
"A moment's insight is sometimes worth a life's experience"
Oliver Wendell Holmes, Snr.

Adversity is not essential, but it is a wonderful catalyst for improvement.

History's heroes had a deep lived-experience of the enormous personal growth that intense adversity can drive us toward if we so choose. There is an easier way though.

Coaching can help us grow and make sense of chaos and complexity in a more structured, intentional, stable, simplified, coherent, rapid and powerful way.

Enlightened Coaching uses lived-experience based tacit knowledge transfer to confer 'whole-brain' thinking (Smart Science) which is indispensable for growing like China did until 2019.

Our Purpose
"Re-imagining Human, Business and Socio-Economic Potential"

"We know more than we think"
academic Marta Sinclair

"We know more than we can tell"
polymath Michael Polanyi, paraphrase

"We know more than we see"
scientist Alan Du Preez