
smart goals for smart leaders

Become the world's first

Smart Company

Smart City

Smart State

Smart Country

Smart Economy

Smart Science for Smart Leaders

Smart Science is 'whole-brain'

Smart Science is 10,000x more powerful

Smart leaders use Smart Science to improve exponentially

Your country can have a second-to-none economic engine that delivers unbeatable economic pivots, substitutes, stimuli, growth, stability, harmony, and insurances

Think different: add millions to your family, billions to your company or city, trillions to your state or country, and quadrillions to the global economy


what we want to achieve

accelerate the world’s transition to soft power
(Case studies: Einstein, Apple, China)


how we are going to get there
what we do and for whom

democratize soft power by equipping and enabling women as early adopters


where we want to be, and by when

a billion women using and modelling soft power in ten years

a billion men overcoming obstacles like fear/ego to do the same

improved investment SWOT analyses (plural), risks, ROI, flows

create a virtuous cycle of innovation, impact, and income for all


why we do what we do (beliefs)

we try to see people, companies, and countries as they could be

we believe women will save humanity from destroying itself

we believe in healthy & harmonious masculinity & femininity

we believe peace and abundance for all is natural and possible 

Customer Value Proposition

what we offer

we use our unique expertise and experience in soft power to upgrade your people-stack and science-stack like no other

if McKinsey is the WHAT we are the HOW

you get to invent the science, technology, medicine, education, jobs, business, exports, and economics of the future right now


how it works

leverage Science Of Synthesis (SoS) framework, toolkit, strategy

better staff is better business™

better citizens is better economics™

exponential relationships > engagement > productivity

increased participation > contribution > revenue > GDP

one enlivened decision maker can add millions/billions/trillions of dollars


who we are

pro-female, pro-humanity, multi-cultural

big-picture thinkers with heart (like Einstein)

exponential strategists, engineers, and scientists

we drive global thought leadership and innovation

we aim to be the McKinsey of human improvement

we aim to be the Bechtel of socio-economic improvement projects

we uncover and map new sciences to prosper humanity

we build second-to-none economic engines


why it works

soft power validated by Einstein, Apple, and China as around 10,000x more heavy-lifting than hard power

from discord to harmony > from scarcity to abundance

millions of Einstein’s – only smarter and safer


steps, content, approach, context

SoS license > validate > deploy

SoS framework, toolkit, strategy

guided discovery, synopsis | leadership, sustainability, triple bottom line

one-on-one coaching > group coaching > presentations > seminars > workshops > retreats > projects
(leaders & companies - 4yrs | governments - 40yrs)

Our Purpose
"Re-imagining Human, Business and Socio-Economic Potential"

"We know more than we think"
academic Marta Sinclair

"We know more than we can tell"
polymath Michael Polanyi, paraphrase

"We know more than we see"
scientist Alan Du Preez