
Good news

Limitless intelligences live in our 'right-brain'. They are 10,000x more powerful than intellect (IQ). That is astonishingly good news. But, there is also bad news... Houston we have a problem!

Bad news

For whatever reason, our 'right-brain' is turned off by default, while our ego and 'left-brain' do all they can to keep it that way.

As it turns out, this is both a massive problem, and a massive opportunity.

The big picture

When our 'right-brain' is turned off, everything we think and do, in the people space, is sub-par or impaired by several orders of magnitude. This is especially true of our scientific endeavours.

"So many people today – and even professional scientists – seem to me like somebody who has seen thousands of trees but has never seen a forest" (Einstein on Egoic Science vs Holistic Science).

The surprising fact is Einstein was normal. His 'right-brain' was turned on. We too can choose to be normal.

Steve Jobs, flawed as he was, likewise gave us a small glimpse of normal.

In the PBS mini-series "Triumph of the Nerds: The Rise of Accidental Empires", host Mark Stephens asks Steve if he is a 'hippie' or a 'nerd'.

Steve responds confidently that he and everyone he works with is a 'hippie' – a 'right-brain' thinker and communicator. On reflection though, Steve was probably a 'hippie nerd' or a 'whole-brain' thinker, like Einstein.

Apple embedded humanity in its DNA

Apple embedded humanity in its DNA

Apple's open secret

"It is in Apple’s DNA that technology alone is not enough— it’s technology married with liberal arts, married with the humanities, that yields us the results that make our heart sing."

Humans have only two operating modes

"It is by LOGIC that we prove, but by INTUITION that we discover" – Henri Poincaré, Albert Einstein, and friends
Egoic Science

Obsesses over details absent the big picture

Burdensome, Hard, Brutal, Glacial, Exclusive

Limited, fixed mindset

Tech Brain only
(rampant heartlessness)

OK for Tech – Bad for Humanity

Holistic Science

Big picture guides and drives the details

Easier, Uplifting, Rapid, Inclusive, Productive

Unlimited, growth mindset

Tech Brain + People Brain
(natural harmony and order)

Unbeatable for Tech & Humanity

Know thy metaphor

"Metaphors be with you"
psychologist Mardy Grothe

'Left-brain' (our thinking mind) means lower (mechanistic) intelligences like intellect or IQ.

'Right-brain' (our knowing mind) means higher (existential) intelligences like intuition.

Turning our 'right-brain' on enables us to operate at the same level of consciousness as people like Einstein, Gandhi, and Mandela.

When our EGO protests, perhaps we could acknowledge Einstein and friends were otherwise just as deeply flawed as we all are, and they were therefore only able to give us a small glimpse of what is possible.

Our Purpose
"Re-imagining Human, Business and Socio-Economic Potential"

"We know more than we think"
academic Marta Sinclair

"We know more than we can tell"
polymath Michael Polanyi, paraphrase

"We know more than we see"
scientist Alan Du Preez