Why activate our Generative mode
Einstein was repeatedly critical of 'our modes of thinking' where we choose to rely on intellect or IQ alone (Discriminative HI). Einstein did not have this curious problem.
Steve Jobs specifically went to India to overcome this limiting mode of thinking and built Apple with people that had done the same.
In 1978 China described overcoming this rigid mode of thinking as 'emancipating the mind', 'pathbreaking' and democratization.
In each case, the results were off the charts.
New precedents
Admittedly Einstein, Jobs, and China had their faults and were far from perfect.
Despite this, they each wrote astounding new precedents of what is possible in science, business and economics when using Generative HI.
So how can we copy and amplify the good they did?
Mysteriously, it is not widely known or understood that they were naturally spiritual and therefore relied heavily and explicitly on imagination, creativity and intuition to guide their intellect.
This is what is meant by the colloquial metaphor of 'whole-brain' thinking or holistic thinking.
More scientific phrasing could include 'synthesis powered analysis' or 'Generative HI powered Discriminative HI'.
Jobs and Einstein on Intuition
Steve Jobs was quite succinct: 'intuition is more powerful than intellect'.
Einstein often explained how to elevate our thinking by restoring intuition to its rightful place:
'The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.' (popular paraphrase)
'We should take care not to make the intellect our god; it has, of course, powerful muscles, but no personality. It cannot lead, it can only serve; and it is not fastidious in its choice of a leader.'
'One would assume that Einstein favored logic over intuition, but the reverse is true' (Ruth Umoh, CNBC, 2017).
Einstein was a delightfully gentle, caring and insightful soul with a big heart for humanity, human potential, and human progress.
One wonders how many scientists know they do science very differently from Einstein, Poincaré, Ackoff, and friends...
Einstein believed that we could and should democratize spirituality and intuition since they activate our innate automatic 'deep learning' mode.
He believed this would therefore give us the same highly benevolent Generative HI powered capabilities he had. He was not wrong.
Apple and China partially tested this, at scale, and as mentioned before, the results were astounding.
Read more
A great deal has been written about the twin phenomena of intuition and (workplace) spirituality which fuel Generative HI (see references below).
Prolific academic Marta Sinclair has compiled three academic handbooks, and one plain language book on intuition which she eloquently defines as 'direct knowing'. Einstein and friends concurred – repeatedly.
Practical Application
We at Human Improvement Sciences are specifically interested in real world application and have just completed the development of the only available framework, toolkit, and strategy that makes activating and deploying Generative HI simple and scalable. We call it the Science Of Everything or SOE for short.
We have taken care of all the grunt work for you.
Growing like Einstein, Apple, or China is now a simple and easy choice.
Creating truly verdant and admired leaders, workplaces, companies and economies is now likewise a simple and easy choice.
Fixed mindset vs growth mindset
In the west we are 'analytically-trained and analytically-minded'.
This makes us unknowingly resist and fear expanding our thinking and learning mode which makes improvement hard or impossible.
The fix is surprisingly simple and easy when we understand where the problem starts: lack of literacy and vocabulary. We don't KNOW that we don't KNOW (about these crucial and powerful parts of the linguistic corpus or body of real world texts, what they mean, how they are interconnected, and why they are so important).
The SOE framework is a simple map for gradually building out awareness of what an upgraded Generative HI powered thinking, learning and working mode looks like and who potential role models are (social proof).
Marta Sinclair's co-authored research paper below is a hopeful academic mapping of this 'elephant in the room' in business and government.
"Human-led, tech-powered" (PwC)
The SOE optimizes both people and technology – especially AI (Artificial Intelligence). This ensures that AI serves humanity’s best (and not worst) aspirations.
We believe People Science can and will also contribute far more to the economy than Tech Science has, and perhaps quicker too.
Your company, city, state, or country can become a (or the) leading global Science, Technology, and Economic hub with an unprecedented upgrade of all the dimensions of National Security, especially social and economic.
The SOE is being deployed via a simple competitive process that starts with licensing and validation.
The license costs $1 to $2 US per person per week.
If you are interested in the first mover advantage please request a written quote right away. It will only take a minute or two.
The SOE is arguably the most valuable replication framework and toolkit in the history of science, business, government, and humanity.
Investing in the SOE is perhaps the safest way to transition from SHED 1.0 and SHED 2.0 to SHED 3.0 (Science, Humanity, Education/Economy, Democracy). This is Impact Investing at its best and will uplift billions as never before while reducing risk, increasing return, and improving capital flow.
Links to media stories about the SOE will be added here.
1. ChatGPT smashes Google on Einstein
2. How to find the biggest lever you can pull – in business and economics
3. AI has NOT got our back
A simple process
Einstein's seemingly limitless thought processes and methods (Generative HI) have only ever been used partially.
Two examples:
◊ Apple increased 1,500 times in value (1997 - 2022)
◊ China increased its per capita GDP 100 times (1984 - 2019, current CNY)
Do you believe your company, city, state / province / region / territory, or country can equal or better results like this?
The process to deploy the SOE is simple.
Passive Compounding
More than a hundred years ago Einstein plainly explained and demonstrated that the current 'left-brain' only curve (Discriminative HI) is outdated and is holding back human progress.
Countless leaders, companies, cities, states, countries and economies have died on this curve and will increasingly continue to do so. Passive bystanders are at enormous risk too.
Conscious Compounding
On 02 Dec 2022, the thinking/methods of Einstein were finally distilled, synthesized, simplified, & codified. They are now replicable. It is now a simple matter of choice.
Leaders, companies, cities, states, and countries who choose to "jump to the next curve" will survive and thrive (Guy Kawasaki, Chief Evangelist, Apple and now Canva).
Handbook of Intuition Research, 2013, Dr Marta Sinclair, Griffith University Business School
Handbook of Research Methods on Intuition, 2016, Dr Marta Sinclair, Griffith University Business School
Handbook of Intuition Research As Practice, 2020, Dr Marta Sinclair, Griffith University Business School
Handbook of Research Methods on Creativity, 2020, Dr Marta Sinclair, Griffith University Business School
Sensing: The elephant in the room of management learning, 2022, Dr Alina Bas, Dr Marta Sinclair
Intuitively Correct – we know more than we think, 2012, Barbara Kündig, Dr Marta Sinclair (German, pending publication in English)
Einstein and the Poet, 1983, Professor William Hermanns, Harvard, Stanford
SQ: Connecting With Our Spiritual Intelligence, 2001, Dr Danah Zohar, Dr Ian Marshall
Spiritual Capital: Wealth We Can Live By, 2018, Dr Danah Zohar
ReWiring the Corporate Brain: Using the New Science to Rethink How We Structure and Lead Organizations, 1997, Dr Danah Zohar
The Wiley-Blackwell Handbook of Transpersonal Psychology, 2015, Dr Harris L. Friedman, Dr Glenn Hartelius
Handbook of Spirituality and Worldview in Clinical Practice, 2004, Edited by Allan M. Josephson, M.D., and John R. Peteet, M.D., American Psychiatric Association Publishing (reviewed by Owen D. Buck M.D., 2005, American Journal of Psychiatry)
The Palgrave Handbook of Spirituality and Business, 2011, Professor Luk Bouckaert, Professor László Zsolnai
The Spiritual Dimension of Business Ethics and Sustainability Management, 2015, Professor László Zsolnai
Psychology of the Future: Lessons from Modern Consciousness Research, 2000, Dr Stanislav Grof (book and YouTube)
Toward Developing Transpersonal Psychology as a Scientific Field, Professor Harris Friedman (2000 conference paper)
Law and Grace (essay, 21 March 2012), Virginia Law Review, Prof William J Stuntz, Harvard Law School (a scholarly critique of conservativism from within)
Waking up - A guide to Spirituality Without Religion, 2014, Dr Sam Harris
God without Religion, 2011, Dr Andrew Farley
Repenting of Religion, 2004, Dr Greg Boyd
The Hyper-Grace Gospel, 2014, Dr Paul Ellis
The Road Less Travelled: A New Psychology of Love, Traditional Values and Spiritual Growth, 1978, Dr Morgan Scott Peck
People of the Lie: The Hope For Healing Human Evil, 1998, Dr Morgan Scott Peck
The need for a new medical model: a challenge for biomedicine, 1977, Science Journal, Dr George L Engel
Psycho-Cybernetics, 1960, Dr Maxwell Maltz
A Whole New Mind: Why Right-Brainers Will Rule the Future, 2006, Daniel H Pink
How Whole Brain Thinking Can Save the Future: Why Left Hemisphere Dominance Has Brought Humanity to the Brink of Disaster and How We Can Think Our Way to Peace and Healing, 2017, James Olson
Generative (HI or AI) = actively synthesizes, integrates, creates new and better, points to HOW (to think and fix problems) = intuitive = heart = intangible = Einstein and friends.
Discriminative (HI or AI) = passively analyzes, differentiates, classifies existing, points to WHAT (to think) and WHICH (problems to fix) = logical = head = tangible = Lenard and friends.
We need both; our intuition guides, stabilizes, informs, nurtures, and optimizes our intellect like no other.